NANAIMO — Another season for the Commercial St. Night Market opens in precisely one month.
Thursday, June 13 will mark the first of 11 weekly markets spanning along Commercial St. in downtown Nanaimo from Terminal Ave. to Chapel St., events which drew a grand total of over 75,000 people to the area in 2023.
Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce CEO Corry Gervais told NanaimoNewsNOW planning for summer 2024 began right after the season closed last year and has resulted in some new additions.
“We’ll have about 150 vendors again. We have increased our food trucks a little bit by 15. Wharf St. will now be food truck alley, so we’ll be focusing all of the food trucks in that area but we’ll also have smaller food carts around the event site.”
Much of Diana Krall Plaza will be converted into a music main stage with festival seating, while two other smaller stages will be stationed by the Museum and near Bastion St.
Also planned is a new ‘Inclusive Space’ on the second floor of the downtown Vancouver Island Public Library branch.
It’s designed to be a quiet escape from the hustle and bustle of the market below.
“It’s a quiet zone, it’s going to have sensory kids, snacks and beverages and the area is for anyone who needs to rest, get out of the sun and heat and anyone who’s maybe over or under stimulated.”
Vendors themselves come from across the Island, according to Gervais, and available spots at the market are quickly filled.
“We have a waiting list of 100, we sold out in just about a month and we have a long waiting list. A lot of returning vendors, they know they had a great experience with the Night Market last year so they wanted to be the first ones in this year.”
The benefit to the event goes beyond the stalls and food trucks which set up every Thursday through the summer.
Brick and mortar businesses also see a major impact to their bottom line.
“In some cases, the businesses downtown say this makes their whole year. We bring enough people down to seriously impact the financial stability of the businesses downtown.”
Gervais said the Chamber works with local business, the Downtown Business Improvement Association and others to not only promote local business during the market, but track how many market visitors ultimately shop at permanent stores.
More information on the Commercial St. Night Market is available on the Chamber’s website.
The market runs every Thursday from June 13 to Aug. 22 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
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