I don’t know about you, but I have been finding that my clothes were fitting a bit tighter, which is something that I’m definitely blaming on COVID-19 and 2020. To stay safe and keep others safe, it meant there was a LOT MORE staying home and not doing much except for binge watching Netflix and binge eating. And that’s not a good combo when it comes to being healthy and active.
Plus, having to update the wardrobe with larger clothes is rarely a good feeling.
I’m also getting married this summer, and bought my wedding dress, so making sure that it’ll fit has been a big stress! That’s a huge reason why I started going to 30 Minute Hit Nanaimo, to get off the couch and have fun, while getting to fit back into my clothes, and make sure the wedding dress fits in July!
I’ve only been going for one month, and I’ve already seen improvements, and I feel a lot stronger too. And it’s only 30 minutes, I can fit that into any day and feel accomplished and like I’m working on my goals!
Check it out for yourself, sign up for a free trial.